Monday, April 2, 2007

To Doggie and Kitty Friends!

Please make sure your humans are not feeding you the following foods...

Natural Balance
Menu Foods (Dogs) (who supply President's Choice and other private labels)
Menu Foods (Cats) (who supply President's Choice and other private labels)
Del Monte
Hills Pets

And make them check the sites again in case stupid corporate fat cats (no offense kitties) sometimes would rather delay releasing the info to keep making money than tell everyone if their products are tainted.

Don't worry, we'll tell our bird friends to poop on their heads if they see those Fat Cats. (We're not referring to our friends Benny or Alabar who are just big boned.)

1 comment:

Bijoy said...

well its an excellent post you have here on, i really enjoyed reading it, will be back soon.Do keep up the good work
regards Biby - Blog