Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Wii injuries Number 1 & 2

Okay, so we have our first Wii related injuries...

The first was Shirley trying so hard to return a tennis serve that she ended up hitting Steve with the remote. We told you she's not co-ordinated. Poor Stevie. He put on a brave face, but we could tell he was really hurt. I don't think he's going to ask Shirley to play tennis again.

The second injury was Shirley pulling her calf muscle. We don't know how she did it because all of the games require you to move just your arms, but she managed to pull a leg muscle. Did we mention she's not very athletic? Anyway, we're going to have to remind her to stretch before she plays next time. Poor Shirley... Poor, sad, pathetic, non-athletic, uncoordinated little Shirley.

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