Wednesday, April 18, 2007

New Pet Food Recall

Please see "To Doggie and Kitty Friends" post for update.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Shirley's always teasing poor Stephen

That mean Shirley is always teasing our poor Stephen.

Most of the time, she's singing songs or repeating phrases that he doesn't know and he wants to know, but she won't tell him where they come from. Then she'll make fun of him because he doesn't know. Mean, mean Shirley.

Don't you worry Stephen, we'll tell you where they come from. We spend a lot of time on YouTube

Dr. Snuggles:

Too bad, too bad...Jeremy

Clickity-click, Barba-trick!

Peter Rabbit goes hippity hop...

For he goes birling down a-down white waters...

Tsk, tsk Stephen, you should know that a log driver's waltz pleases girls completely. Tsk.

Wii injuries Number 1 & 2

Okay, so we have our first Wii related injuries...

The first was Shirley trying so hard to return a tennis serve that she ended up hitting Steve with the remote. We told you she's not co-ordinated. Poor Stevie. He put on a brave face, but we could tell he was really hurt. I don't think he's going to ask Shirley to play tennis again.

The second injury was Shirley pulling her calf muscle. We don't know how she did it because all of the games require you to move just your arms, but she managed to pull a leg muscle. Did we mention she's not very athletic? Anyway, we're going to have to remind her to stretch before she plays next time. Poor Shirley... Poor, sad, pathetic, non-athletic, uncoordinated little Shirley.

There's a new bird in our cage!

Shirley put a weird ladder with a shiny square on top in our cage. But, whenever you look at the square, there's another bird!

Why is there another bird in our cage?! We're good birds. We sing good songs. Okay, Dragon did bite Shirley but that was just a reflex. He didn't really mean it. (Dragon says the other bird is a boy, Ophie says it's a girl.)

We're trying to figure out where the bird hides. We look into the square and see the bird, but when we look behind it, the bird isn't there.

Dragon tried to trick the other bird by getting Ophie to stand behind the square while he stood in front of it. Dragon kept yelling "He's right there! He's right there!" Ophie kept saying, "I don't see him. He's not here. Nope, no bird." (Obviously, this led to a heated argument with feathers being pulled, poking beaks and quite a few nasty remarks. Dragon and Ophie didn't speak to each other for a while after this.)

We were getting really upset about the new bird being in our cage at night. Steve thought it was mean to put a new bird in our cage, so he took the ladder and square out of our cage when Shirley was getting ready for bed. Shirley told him he was babying us. She put it back in but put it on the side of the cage so that now the other bird is outside our cage. We like it better now that the other bird is outside.

Dragon adds: No one better try to steal my girlfriend Ophie.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


♪♪♪ Here comes Peter Cottontail ♪♪

♪ Hopping down the bunny trail ♪♪

♪♪ Hippity Hoppity Easter's on it's way ♪♪♪

This bunny thinks you should stop singing and get back to work.

Monday, April 2, 2007

To Doggie and Kitty Friends!

Please make sure your humans are not feeding you the following foods...

Natural Balance
Menu Foods (Dogs) (who supply President's Choice and other private labels)
Menu Foods (Cats) (who supply President's Choice and other private labels)
Del Monte
Hills Pets

And make them check the sites again in case stupid corporate fat cats (no offense kitties) sometimes would rather delay releasing the info to keep making money than tell everyone if their products are tainted.

Don't worry, we'll tell our bird friends to poop on their heads if they see those Fat Cats. (We're not referring to our friends Benny or Alabar who are just big boned.)